Friday, February 10, 2012

The Friday 'Stache

Jeremy Warner, everyone:

I'm not sure what this is "teasing," but whatever it turns out to be, I'm pretty stoked. Mr. Warner is one of those people I would pay to see more often.

James Alexander is another one of those people. Here's the latest from a new channel he started based on one of his own personal character creations. I love this, because I think it plays to his best strengths as a comedian. I played it to the class I TA today, and it got some honest laughs.

I love this, because I think it plays to his best strengths as a comedian. I played it to the class I TA today, and it got some honest laughs.


If this next one doesn't make you a little granola, I don't know what will. (Thanks, Courtney.)

honey harvest from tiger in a jar on Vimeo.

And, along those lines, DMS posted this video a week ago, and I've been meaning to share because, well, it makes me miss the West. Chances are good that it'll affect you the same way, even if you've never lived out there.

Yosemite HD from Project Yosemite on Vimeo.


Have I introduced you to Vihart, yet? I can't remember. Shame on me if I haven't. She is fantastic. I keep trying to come up with a way to describe what she does, and why it's so awesome, but I guess that's what videos are for. I'll let her work speak for itself:

And here's one that will break your brain into no fewer than six different pieces.


I know I've talked about Julian Smith, many times. A while back, he it a spin-off channel. Based on his character Jeffery Dallas. I've posted some things from that channel here as well. Recently. I'm discovering that I actually like the spin-off a little better, which surprises me. Perhaps it is just that Julian Smith is getting better. In any case, enjoy:

BONUS: click here for the longest 2 minutes ever.


I hope you've enjoyed this week's 'stache. I hope it keeps you going all weekend. "Going where?" Oh shut up.

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